Seagram Heiress Arrested In Democrat Sex Cult Investigation

Back in March, we brought you the story of Keith Raniere, who was the co-founder and leader of a secretive self-help cult called NXIVM, who was arrested by the FBI in Mexico and charged with sex trafficking. Raniere was arrested in Mexico in March and charged with sex trafficking, conspiracy and forced labor and is being held without bail.

Raniere allegedly created a "secret society" within the organization in 2015 that recruited women from within the group to serve as "slaves" overseen by "masters," according to prosecutors. Prosecutors allege Nxivm operated like a pyramid scheme, charging participants thousands of dollars for courses while encouraging them to sign up for more and recruit others.

While NXIVM described itself as a self-help business that has helped thousands of people "reach their potential" through various courses, the women’s-only "inner sanctum" led by Raniere is known as 'DOS', which stood for “dominus obsequious sororium" - Latin for “master over the slave women”. Once they are a member - or “slave” - they are allegedly encouraged to recruit new women into their “slave pods”, stop dating, and be on call 24 hours a day to their “master”.

As a reminder, DOS required female members to give their recruiter - or "master," naked pictures or other compromising material which could be used as blackmail before being branded with Raniere's initials below the hip using a cauterizing iron. 

Smallville actress Allison Mack who played Chloe Sullivan is (or was) allegedly a "master" in the cult, and required to obey orders from Raniere - including finding women to sleep with him. 

Mack would require that prospective "slaves" place compromising collateral into a Dropbox account -- one of whom was India Oxenberg, the daughterr of Dynasty actress Catherine Oxenberg - who met with prosecutors in New York and presented evidence against Raniere. 

Fast forward to today when Bloomberg reports that an heiress to the Seagram fortune was arrested today in the widening probe of the "self-help organization" that prosecutors now say operated as "a secretive cult that branded its victims and forced them to participate in sexual acts."

Clare Bronfman, the daughter of former Seagram chairman Edgar M. Bronfman, was one of four women charged Tuesday in connection with the investigation of Nxivm, an Albany, New York-based multi-level marketing company founded by Keith Raniere, according to John Marzulli, a spokesman for the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney.

Smallville actress Allison Mack, an actress who allegedly recruited slaves for Raniere, was apprehended shortly after Raniere was arrested in Mexico in March and charged with similar crimes. Both have pleaded not guilty.

According to the indictment, the four arrested women - Bronfman, Kathy Russell, Lauren Salzman and Nancy Salzman - were members of Raniere’s "inner circle" along with Mack, and recruited and groomed sexual partners for him. Bronfman is one of seven children of her father, a second-generation heir who captained Seagram’s expansion during his years leading the company.

Claire Bronfman

Recruits were expected to provide "collateral" before joining - including damaging information about friends and family, nude photographs and rights to assets - that could be used against them if they revealed the existence of the organization or tried to leave, prosecutors said.

The four women are scheduled to appear in federal court in Brooklyn and Albany later Tuesday.

The court filing is below:

OneTaste, scummy company or cult? | SpaceBattles Forums

So I know that we recently had a thread about Allison Mack from Smallville running a sex cult and her dealings with Nxivm but someone pointed this...

In San Francisco, a Coed Retreat Dedicated to Female ...

EVEN in a culture in which sex toys are a booming business and Oprah Winfrey discusses living your best life in the bedroom, a coed live-in commune dedicated to the female orgasm hovers at the extremes. The founder of the One Taste Urban Retreat Center, Nicole Daedone, sees herself as leading "the ...

Seagram's heiress Clare Bronfman charged in connection with alleged sex cult NXIVM (

 by sweetholymosiah to politics (+28|-1)

I Joined a Sex Cult (so You Don't Have to ...

Living in a sex cult was one of the most unsettling things I've ever gone through. ... If this is about one taste….I would not say it's a cult.


Profile picture for user MonsterSchmuck
MonsterSchmuck Tue, 07/24/2018 - 16:48 Permalink

The freak quotient is getting high. Western Civilization is in full decay and ready to crumble. Get ready for the difficult and painful transition. 

One cause and sign are these morally unmoored elites. They used to hold the line of class- intellect, taste, behavior, family, but now they’re crass dimwits.

Another cause and sign are the children of the West. They’ve been corrupted by weak parenting and hostile insurgents who want their birthright. You know who they are, the schools and media are full of them. 

Another cause and sign are weak busy  selfish men who are allowing the displacements, the selling out to occur. Sure DC, NYC lead this, but it infests every organization. Men who implement horseshit and the men who take it without a peep. Lots of men around but not a man amongst them- Drinking the Coolaid, looking the other way. Shameful. 

The solution? Checkout Jordan Peterson. He’s got some great advice. 

Profile picture for user TeamDepends
TeamDepends  MoreSun Tue, 07/24/2018 - 19:46 Permalink

All of you "no arrests no indictments yet, waaaaa waaaaaa" juveniles need to start paying attention.  Over the last year and a half several thousand low level pedo pimps have been arrested.  They squeal on the higher ups, such as Bronfman, one of the ruling families.  It is happening, the swamp is being drained.  But it will not be on your schedule.  Trust the plan.

In reply to by MoreSun